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한.칠레자유무역협정 발효기념 리셉션 축사

2004-04-01 00:00:00


Ambassador Fernando Schmidt,

Speaker of the National Assembly, the Honorable Park Kwan-yong,

Chairman of the Unification and Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, the Honorable Suh Chung-hwa,

Distinguished Ambassadors,

National Assemblyman the Honorable Han Seung-soo,

Vice Minister of  Commerce, Industry and Energy, Kim Chil-doo,

Chairman of the Federation of Korean Industries, Kang Shin-ho,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


    Today, we are celebrating a most auspicious day - a day on which the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Korea comes into effect.  I thank Ambassador Schmidt for hosting this truly meaningful reception.   On this same day, in Santiago, Chile, the Korean Ambassador is also hosting a reception to celebrate this momentous occasion.


    I am very pleased to note that, under the able and determined leadership of Presidents  Ricardo Lagos and Roh Moo-hyun, and thanks to the devoted efforts of Speaker Park Kwan-yong and other National Assemblymen, our two Governments have succeeded in translating the vision of an FTA into a reality.


    I would like to express my deep respect and appreciation to speaker Park Kwan Yong for his vision and determined leadership to ratify and make this FTA come into reality.


    The Korea-Chile FTA will benefit our two countries in many ways.


    First, the FTA will serve as a catalyst for both Korea and Chile to develop a more intensive economic partnership with each other, which is firmly rooted in common interests and shared values of free trade and market economy.


    And indeed, it is expected that our FTA will promote the exchanges between Korea and Chile over a whole spectrum of other activities, bridging the geographical distance between our two countries.


    Second, our FTA will contribute to our efforts to share the benefits of globalization more widely with other countries in Northeast Asia and South America.


    An aspect to note in this regard is that Korea and Chile are strategically located in their respective regions.


    Korea will play the role of a bridgehead for Chile to open up the dynamic market of Northeast Asia, while Chile will function as a gateway for Korea to explore the vast potentials of the South American market.


    Finally, this FTA, the first one Korea has ever signed with a foreign country, will provide strong added impetus to Korea's efforts for pursuing similar agreements with other countries.


    In fact, after signing the FTA with Chile, my Government has been able to step up negotiations on FTA's with Japan, Singapore and other ASEAN countries.


    Chile's hosting of the APEC Summit in November this year, I believe, will generate additional welcome momentum for the expansion of FTA regimes among APEC countries.


Distinguished Guests,


    It is my sincere hope that the smooth implementation of this landmark Agreement will take the already excellent ties between our two countries to a higher level.  I also wish that, in so doing, our two countries will be able to contribute, together, to ushering in a new era of prosperity for both continents.


    In pursuing these goals, it is imperative that all of us here join efforts, and your continued support and interest is requested.


    Before closing, I would like to thank Ambassador Schmidt once again for organizing this wonderful reception, and also thank the distinguished guests for being here today and sharing the resolve to work together for a better future for all.


    Thank you.