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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on the UN General Assembly Third Committee’s Adoption of a Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in the DPRK


1. The Government of the Republic of Korea welcomes the adoption of a resolution on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea without a vote by the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly at its 71st session on November 15, New York time. The resolution was co-sponsored by 59 countries, including the ROK.

2. The resolution contains more strongly-worded details than any other of its kind adopted by the UN General Assembly since 2005 on the human rights situation in the DPRK. This reflects the international community’s intent to send a strong warning message to the North Korean government over its obsession with nuclear and missile development in disregard of livelihoods of its people.

3. The resolution carries particular significance in that for the first time among all of its kind, it explicitly expresses concern over the exploitation of overseas North Korean workers; recalls the human rights violations under the control of the North Korean leadership; and expresses concern over the impact that the diversion of resources to nuclear and missile programs has on the humanitarian and human rights situation of North Korean people.

4. The Government of the Republic of Korea once again urges North Korea to take concrete and substantial measures to improve its human rights situation in line with the recommendations of the UN General Assembly.

* unofficial translation