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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Holds a Telephone Conversation with the Egyptian Foreign Minister on Possible UNSC Responses to North Korea’s 4th Nuclear Test


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se held a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry of Egypt, a (non-permanent) member state of the UN Security Council, on January 17 and discussed with him ways for the UN Security Council to respond to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test.

2. Minister Yun noted with appreciation that the Egyptian government had expressed a deep concern over North Korea’s fourth nuclear test in its statement and asked Egypt, a member state of the UN Security Council, to play an active role for the Security Council to adopt a strong and comprehensive sanctions resolution.

3. In response, Minister Shoukry, calling North Korea’s nuclear test a grave challenge to not only international peace and security but also the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, mentioned that close cooperation will be extended in the process leading up to the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution.

* unofficial translation