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Press Releases

Government Representatives to attend Events to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Koreans' Settlement in Central Asia


1. Minister of Government Legislation, Nam Gi-myoung and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 
Kim Ho-young plan to attend events to celebrate the "70th Anniversary of Korean's Settlement in Central 
Asia", which will be held in Uzbekistan on September 22 and in Kazakhstan on September 29.  Minister 
Nam will visit Uzbekistan and Vice Minister Kim will visit Kazakhstan.

2. During their visits to Uzbekistan (September 20-24) and Kazakhstan (September 27-October 1), Minister 
Nam and Vice Minister Kim will participate in the events hosted by Koreans living in these countries, and 
meet with high-level officials of these governments, such as president, prime minister and/or foreign 
minister, to exchange views on ways to promote friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries.

                                                           Spokesperson of MOFAT

*unofficial translation