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Press Releases

Telephone Conversation between the Korean and Japanese Foreign Ministers


1. Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Kawaguchi Yoriko telephoned Korea's Minister of Foreign Affairs and 
Trade Choi Sung-hong on October 31, 2002, and explained the outcome of the Japan-North Korea Talks on 
the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations, which was held in Kuala Lumpur from October 29 to 30, 2002.

2. Minister Kawaguchi explained that the Japanese side proposed the security issue - including North 
Korea’s nuclear weapons program and kidnapping of Japanese nationals - as a priority; and that the North 
Korean side stressed the importance of the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration, according to which it 
is willing to continue negotiations with Japan.  Furthermore, Minister Kawaguchi stated that the Japanese 
side will continue to discuss the nuclear and missile issues at the Japan-North Korea Meeting on Security 
Issues, which is scheduled for November this year.

3. In response, Minister Choi expressed gratitude for Minister Kawaguchi’s explanations, and noted that 
Japan has clearly raised the nuclear issue at the negotiation.  Minister Choi added that the Japan-North 
Korea Talks on Normalization of Diplomatic Relations should continue, since it is an important channel of 
communication with North Korea.  Minister Choi also explained that the inter-Korean channel for dialogue 
and exchanges is always open, although the Republic of Korea maintains a firm position on North Korea’s 
nuclear weapons program. The minister added that the ROK is endeavoring for the early resolution of North 
Korean nuclear issue through this channel.

4. The two sides reaffirmed their policy to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner, and 
agreed to maintain close consultations among the ROK, US, and Japan.


                                                           Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation